Supporting Christ the Lord, Church
The number one way you can support God's work at Christ the Lord Church is by praying that we will worship Him in a way that delights Him and that we will be effective in taking the gospel out to the people of Broadfield. In the book of Philippians Paul talks of the Philippian church sharing in his ministry through their prayers for him (Philippians 1.19)
The Lord has given all those who are His people, gifts and opportunities to serve Him by serving His people. If you would like to explore how you can use your gifts, time, experience and passion in God's work here, please do get in touch
Resourcing ministry at Christ the Lord, Broadfield costs money. That money is used to support our children and families work on a Sunday, pay the bills, resource our worship on a Sunday and contribute to the costs of having a vicar.
There are a number of ways you can give financially to God's work here at Christ the Lord, Church.
In Person
There is a collection plate at the back of church.
By Standing Order
For more details, please contact us via the contact form below.
You can give online to the work here through the "Give a Little" website. To do so please click on this link below: